Whether it's flipped, hybrid, project-based, Modeling Instruction, growth mindset, executive functioning, social-emotional - we are #alwayslearning and always improving.
We foster a culture of community. You don't have to like everyone but you have to learn to work with everyone. We are a family. Pass the peas, please...
We evaluate learning differently and can translate that into what various institutions are accustomed to seeing for when students move on to their next institution - whether that's college or a local middle or high school.
Whether you are looking for part-time programs through our coschool program or full-time enrollment at our microschool – we have the information you need to make a decision the works for your family. If you have questions, please reach out and let us help.
Prairie Paideia aims to educate students ages 6-18 using alternative methods and priorities from traditional schooling by focusing on creativity, integrated content, Socratic method, executive function skills, growth mindset and social-emotional wellness. Pulling from different educational pedagogues and models that change and blend through the developmental stages of our students journeys. We support and educate not only our students, but families – knowing that students grow in community and concepts need to be embraced both at home and in their learning environment.