Founded in 2023, Prairie Paideia offers progressive education for students ages six to twelfth grade with a holistic focus on the individual student. Prairie Paideia creates an environment to give students the strong foundation skills they need, and environments where students can uncover their unique gifts and learn to use them in meaningful ways.
Prairie Paideia’s “Seven Cs” serves to guide how we teach, learn and grow together.
Successfully collaborating with others and contributing meaningfully to a team can boost students’ confidence and self-esteem. It validates their abilities and fosters a sense of accomplishment, encouraging further engagement and participation.
Compassionate individuals are more likely to advocate for social justice and equity. Teaching students to be compassionate empowers them to recognize injustice and take action to address systemic issues such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality, contributing to a more just and equitable society.
Being constructive emphasizes action and purpose, ensuring that learned skills are used effectively and meaningfully to make a positive impact.
Creativity also provides students with a means of self-expression and self-discovery. Through creative outlets such as writing, art, music, and drama, students can express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in meaningful and authentic ways. This process fosters self-awareness, confidence, and personal growth, empowering students to develop their unique identities and voices.
Critical thinking is essential for informed citizenship and active participation in democratic societies. By teaching students to critically evaluate information, analyze social issues, and consider diverse perspectives, educators empower them to engage in meaningful dialogue, advocate for social justice, and contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.